Jobseeker features

We search for you

Jobs you won't find elsewhere

Tired of the same jobs from the same dull companies and recruiting firms appearing again and again on different job sites? TrueJob scours the web to find jobs from startups and other companies you won't see on other sites.

Up to date

Stop wasting time filling out applications for stale job postings that employers have already filled. We check all job postings every 24 hours and pull them directly from company websites.

Quick sign up

TrueJob knows your time is valuable - so we don't ask a bunch of questions upfront. Signing up is as easy as entering an email and password, and answering 5 basic questions about your job preferences.

Don't search for a job, match one

Unparalleled filtering

Most job search websites allow you to search by job title and a location — but these can depend on many factors. With TrueJob's question and tagging system we help you filter jobs by many criteria in an easy and intuitive way.

Advanced algorithms

Music apps can predict what we want to hear, and dating websites know who we want to meet. Why not do the same for job search? With TrueJob, we use these types of algorithms and incorporate hundreds of factors to match you with jobs.

Matches sent to you

TrueJob can send you notifications if we find jobs we think match you — so you never have to worry about missing your dream job posting.

It doesn't stop here

Wherever you go, TrueJob goes as well

TrueJob looks great on all screens — Use it on your phone, tablet, laptop, and desktop.

Be reminded of your options

Even if you are already employed, we can find opportunities you might not have considered that could be a great next stepping stone.

Making your job search our job

We're constantly improving TrueJob and adding features. If you think this is all that can change in job search, just wait what to see we have coming next.

Job seekers, start finding your dream job